Kindness Storm

Linda F
1 min readJun 26, 2022
Photo by Laura Vinck on Unsplash

Dark times happen to all. Some find a way forward to light, some don’t. Some forge a path that brings more darkness and chao. No matter the trajectory, one feels uprooted, shaken and and without a centre when the magnitude of the sorrowful time is like thick clouds.

But there is a magnetic force that can steady the brokenness, like tiny metal pieces that line up without fail when a magnet appears too close. Humans aren’t metals, so the invisible magnetic force that can steady the mind, vibrate the heart to open and heal, is kindness, the storm of kindness.

Broken pieces of the one who suffers, grieves, aches, gather around the force of kindness and the one who offers it. Kindness becomes the light to bring the one to light, one heart beat one foot-step at a time. What a blessed life it is to have a thunderous kindness storm and the lightnings of its magic.

