The Other is a Reflection

Linda F
1 min readMar 31, 2022
Photo by Luke Leung on Unsplash

What the mind resists may at times find expression in what is perceived in the outer realms of the felt and seen. The mind so often resists looking within, prefers not knowing the wholeness of the self, chooses not to enter in the archaeological digs needed for clarity of impulses and intentions.

Veils are laid, defenses are formed, walls are built, and stories are written to protect the mind from knowing itself. And so, mighty Nature slowly takes on the steering and brings reflections of those buried forgotten parts onto the other.

The other may have anger, hatred, the other may damage, wound and hurt. The other may be all the mind detests and avoids and neglects. Yet the other continues being the inner reflection for a while, sometimes lifetimes, or generations.

Paying attention to what’s being avoided and resisted in the outer worlds holds the key to the inner realm that screams silently to be seen and felt.

